Building A Virtual Cubicle by James Kendrick
I was crusing my AvantGo RSS feeds the other day and noticed that James Kendrick had written an article entitled "Building A Virtual Cubicle". It's a great read that details how one mobile professional uses technology to be able to set up a virtual anywhere - most of the time more effective than a stationary office.
Awhile back I advised teachers to look at how other professionals use their mobile technology and then use these ideas as a springboard to adapt this to your own use. It is articles like these that inspire me to come up with new ideas. For example, James talks about how he annotates PDF files instead of printing them. I started taking my curriculum (downloaded in PDF), printing them to OneNote, annotating them and cutting out the parts that apply to me, and then using CutePDF to print them as PDF files again. My curriculum, with my notes, is ALWAYS with me (either on the tablet or on a PDA). I would never have done this without adapting the ideas of others to my own practice.
Thanks, James, for articles like this! Also, thanks for the mention on the Mobile Tech Podcast. I'd be pleased to come on one day and talk more about using tech in the, I just have to learn to use Skype! :)
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