Teaching With Gadgets

How Technology Can Help Today's Teacher

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Planning Again....

Well the Christmas holiday season is about over and it's back to work on Monday. I actually look forward to our first day back as my students are always excited to share their Christmas experience. This year was an odd one as we had virtually no snow. It was 15 degrees Celsius on Christmas day - a day on which we normally would have snow and colder temperatures.

I will be doing any new posts today either from my tablet PC or my Treo 600. I find it interesting how the Treo can simply update my blog by using e-mail. The blog would also be an excellent tool if you wanted to have a classroom homework site. Each time you have homework or projects assigned you can simply send a quick e-mail from practically anywhere - including your mobile phone! My parents love how they can login to check homework whenever possible.